Mindstar G1000 Simulation
  for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D
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Installing The G1000 Into Other MSFS & P3D Aircraft

There are numerous tools on the market that help you modify flight simulator aircraft panels (both 2D and 3D cockpits), so it would be difficult for us to try to replicate that work to a satisfactory level here.   However, there are a few unique aspects to the G1000 that need description so that you can successfully modify your own personal cockpit layouts to include these gauges.

You will also notice that the methods used for placing the G1000 into cockpits is slightly different than our GNS 430/530 software, so please make sure to study the links below before you try to edit your cockpit.

We hope the following two links will help de-mystify the process of modifying aircraft to include our avionics.
The Flight Simulator Aircraft Container System

Modifying Cockpit Panels To Include the G1000

A Guide to the G1000.INI

A Guide to G1000 Hidden Features